Soviet Pilots of the 64th IAK killed in action in Korea

Soviet Pilots of the 64th IAK killed in action in Korea

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Between 1950 and 1953, the pilots of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps (64th IAK) participated in roughly 64,000 individual combat sorties, resulting in a collective flight time of approximately 50,000 hours. They engaged in 1,872 air-to-air combats and succeeded in shooting down 1,097 enemy aircraft, comprising 642 F-86, 178 F-84, 121 F-80, 13 F-94, two F4U-5, 28 Gloster Meteors, 2 AD-1, 69 B-29, 30 F-51, 8 B-26, and two B-45 planes. They suffered losses of 319 MiG-15 and La-11 fighters, and over 120 pilots were killed in action.

A photograph taken by a gun camera capturing the moment when a USAF fighter is attacking a MiG-15. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Below is a record of the names of the pilots from the 64th IAK who lost their lives in combat:

1950-11-09CaptainGrachev. M.F.139th GIAP
1950-11-11CaptainNasonov. M.P.28th GIAP
1950-11-18CaptainTarshinov. A.I.139th GIAP
1950-12-04Senior LieutenantRumiantsev. K.V.29th GIAPRemains not recovered
1950-12-06Senior LieutenantSerikov. N.N.29th GIAPRemains not recovered
1950-12-07Senior LieutenantPavlenko. P.A.29th GIAP
1950-12-22Senior LicutenantBarsegian. S.A.177th IAP
1951-01-23Senior LieutenantGrebenkin G.M.29th GIAP
1951-03-17CaptainDubrovin V.M.72nd GIAP
1951-03-24Senior LieutenantSavinov, Iu.P.72nd GIAP
1951-04-03Senior LicutenantNikitichenko P.D.176th GIAP
1951-04-09Senior LicutenantSlabkin F.V.176th GIAP
1951-06-01Senior LieutenantStel'makh E.M.18th GIAP
1951-06-23Senior LieutenantNegodiaev. V.F.176th GIAP
1951-06-25Senior LieutenantAgeev, N.A.18th GIAP
1951-06-26Senior LieutenantArganovich E.N.17th IAP
1951-07-08Senior LieutenantObukhov. B.A.523rd IAP
1951-07-11Senior LieutenantLarionov. 1.196th IAPRemains not recovered
1951-07-11Senior LicutenantObraztsov. B.A.176th GIAP
1951-08-24LieutenantSvistun. G.K.523rd IAP
1951-09-02Senior LicutenantKolpikov, S.T.18th GIAP
1951-09-02Senior LieutenantAkatov, V.S.18th GIAP
1951-10-02CaptainMorozov. I.N.17th IAP
1951-10-23Senior LieutenantKhurtin V.N.523rd IAP
1951-10-26Senior LieutenantShebanov, F.D.196th IAP
1951-11-02Senior LieutenantShuliat'ev, A.I.18th GIAP
1951-11-04Senior LieutenantFilimonov V.P.523rd IAPRemains not recovered
1951-11-08Senior LieutenantTravin, A.F.196th IAP
1951-11-28CaptainShatalov, G.T.523rd IAP
1951-12-05Senior LieutenantRyzhkov, A.D.196th IAP
1951-12-05Senior LieutenantBaturov, A.I.18th GIAP
1952-01-06Senior LieutenantStepanov, V.G.18th GIAP
1952-01-16Senior LieutenantSapozhnikov, B.P.18th GIAP
1952-01-17Senior LieutenantFilippov, A.V.176th GIAP
1952-02-09Senior LieutenantTroitsky, I.I.16th IAP
1952-02-21Senior LieutenantKozhevnikov, A.P.16th IAP
1952-02-21Senior LieutenantShershakov, V.N.16th IAP
1952-02-22Senior LieutenantSavinov, E.P.16th IAP
1952-02-27Senior LieutenantDerevianko, L.P.256th IAP
1952-03-11Senior LieutenantIvanov, A.P.16th IAP
1952-03-11Senior LieutenantZenakov, N.I.494th IAP
1952-03-24Senior LieutenantFilippov, E.V.148th GIAP
1952-03-24CaptainLiubovinkin, P.S.148th GIAP
1952-04-01Senior LieutenantChernikov, N.I.821st IAP
1952-04-02Senior LieutenantVoronov, A. Ia.494th IAP
1952-04-13Senior LieutenantShebenko, V.M.494th IAP
1952-04-21CaptainNaumov, N.I.16th IAP
1952-04-21Senior LieutenantSelivanov, D.S.256th IAP
1952-04-21Senior LieutenantTolmatsky, S.A.256th IAP
1952-05-03Senior LieutenantEfremov, M.I.494th IAP
1952-05-20CaptainKalmanson, V.E.256th IAP
1952-05-25Senior LieutenantKrasulin, F.S.256th IAP
1952-05-27Senior LieutenantAkhmov282nd IAP
1952-05-31CaptainDenisov, I.F.821st IAP
1952-06-22Senior LieutenantPozhidaev, V.A.147th GIAP
1952-07-04Senior LieutenantShmagunov, V.V.821st IAP
1952-08-01CaptainGorobchenko, V.S.726th IAP
1952-08-01CaptainKostin, A.A.726th IAP
1952-08-01Senior LieutenantTsvetkov, L.M.726th IAP
1952-08-04Senior LieutenantKrutskikh, V.P.494th IAP
1952-08-05Senior Lieutenantlazev, S.S.16th IAP
1952-08-06Senior LieutenantKochetov, M.I.878th IAP
1952-08-20MajorShekhovtsov, A.A.726th IAP
1952-08-24CaptainPoltavets, G.M.147th GIAP
1952-08-31CaptainEremchenko, F.S.518th IAP
1952-09-04Senior LieutenantTitov, A.A.415th IAP
1952-09-04Senior LieutenantZatolokin, M.I.415th IAP
1952-09-07Senior LieutenantShikunov, I.M.535th IAP
1952-09-09CaptainPronin, K.P.147th GIAP
1952-09-09MajorSova, I.K.726th IAP
1952-09-09Senior LieutenantKapunov, I.I.726th IAP
1952-09-14CaptainChernavin, V.518th IAP
1952-09-15Senior LieutenantEfimov, I.V.676th IAP
1952-09-21Senior LieutenantShinaev, I.I.147th GIAP
1952-09-21CaptainBodnia, F.A.676th IAP
1952-09-26Senior LieutenantOrlov, A.G.878th IAP
1952-09-29Senior LieutenantMeshcheriakov, I.V.578th IAP
1952-10-03LieutenantFedorov, B.V.535th IAP
1952-10-09Senior LieutenantSvechkar', A.P.878th IAP
1952-10-11LieutenantPostnikov, I.I.578th IAP
1952-11-18Senior LieutenantBeliakov, N.M.781st IAP
1952-11-18Senior LieutenantPakhomkin, V.I.781st IAP
1952-11-18Senior LieutenantVandaev, A.I.781st IAP
1952-11-21MajorBogdanov, I.I.415th IAP
1953-01-14Senior LieutenantSokolov, N.P.224th IAP
1953-01-15Senior LieutenantMishchenko, V.M.726th IAP
1953-02-19Senior LieutenantSokolov, I.K.535th IAP
1953-03-08Senior LieutenantChepusov, D.I.878th IAP
1953-03-09Senior LieutenantRochikashvili, V.I.224th IAP
1953-03-09Senior LieutenantKuan, V.N.224th IAP
1953-03-14Senior LieutenantSedashev, V.N.518th IAP
1953-04-12Senior LieutenantMarkov, V.S.224th IAP
1953-04-22CaptainLazarev, V.N.224th IAP
1953-05-13LieutenantKamenshchikov, V.G.781st IAP
1953-05-18Senior LieutenantRybakov, K.A.518th IAP
1953-05-23CaptainGrishenchuk, V.L.913th IAP
1953-05-29CaptainPronin, I.V.415th IAP
1953-06-01Senior LieutenantTimoshin, V.S.781st IAP
1953-06-05Senior LieutenantTsarenko, V.F.781st IAP
1953-06-05Senior LieutenantPushkarev, B.V.781st IAP
1953-06-07Senior LieutenantDorokhov, S. L.535th IAP
1953-06-16CaptainPotapov, P.S.913th IAP
1953-06-18CaptainKriklivets, I.P.913th IAP
1953-06-18LieutenantKorshunov, B.V.518th IAP
1953-06-24CaptainAlikin, A.G.415th IAP
1953-06-29Lieutenant ColonelGorbunov, I.V.676th IAP
1953-07-12LieutenantGalin, A.I.224th IAP
1953-07-12CaptainBelov, V.M.781st IAP
1953-07-19LieutenantGerasimchuk, N.P.224th IAP

Further reading


  • Red Devils over the Yalu: A Chronicle of Soviet Aerial Operations in the Korean War 1950-53 by Stuart Britton & Igor Seidov


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Javier Guerrero
Javier Guerrero
Javier is the editor @ Nuclear Companion and loves to investigate and write about the cold war.

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